Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This Sunday! 8-17

Doug and Anna's
Fire roasted goats.

View Larger Map

Look, I even posted a map for you!

If you are NOT on the email and would like to be, POST A COMMENT. We'll add you to the list. many apologies to those who have been left off. Nothing personal, we just don't like you at all and never want to see you again.
No, really, just comment or email me and you'll be on the list.

Also, if you find the blog counterproductive, annoying, less effective than the email, or have a better way of disseminating this info, we should discuss, no?


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wha happa!

So, reviving the dinner blog is like whoah.

It's at Benissa's house, rain or shine. Shine=bbq. Rain=oven and stove.

So far we have a veg dish of some sort, some dessert of some sort, some spicy thai curry sort of thing, what else?

Friday, February 22, 2008

"Burglary, murder, double murder, shoplifting..."

Right, I do believe it's our turn to host again. So y'all come on down to Chez Carlson/Rushing/Heaney/Vega-Pina this sunday sundae domingo. The main course is going to be a surprise (because I haven't thought of one yet).

BTW the subject has nothing to do with anything, it's just happens to be the best sentence (fragment) I've heard all week.

PS, headcount by tomorrow afternoon please?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sunday Sunday Sunday

So, I'm hoping that we can all actually get together for dinner this Sunday. I know we'll see some of you at the Winter Formal on Saturday...but I missed last Sunday and am looking forward to this one.

Ben and I can host. Let's figure out some sort of plan for this, and let's definitely start early!

Here's hoping we get a big old crowd.


Monday, February 11, 2008


So, I know that many of you probably got the Evite...but if not, Brandon is throwing a Winter Formal party next weekend and has asked me to let everyone know. In his words:

We all know that the weather in winter can ruin even the best moods. But fear not! The Francisco Project brings you The Winter Formal. Get gussied up, grab a drink and dance your ass off. Just because it's cold out doesn't mean you can't make it hot. Guys wear ties, ladies wear dresses. Or vice versa. We won't judge.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Sorry all...I woke up this morning with a sore throat, hacking cough and generally feeling awful. I don't want to risk getting anyone else sick, and I definitely don't feel like cooking, dinner here tonight. Let us know if anyone would like to host, though, as I think Ben would like to see you all.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Din Din on Sunday

SO, what's the deal kiddies? I hear it's Superbowl Sunday (barf). Anything going on?

Friday, January 25, 2008


"Domingo" is Espanol for Sunday, right?

So Sunday (domingo)... dinner is being hosted by Timinthia (or is that Cynthimothy?) up in Rogers Park. If you don't know the address on Columbia, you should call one of us. Apparently there will be home-made cheesy bread. Oh yeah, and stew and spicy chocolate cookies.
Don't forget booze. (like I really need to remind anyone about that)
Anyone want to bring anything else?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chris and Marilen Write:

Greetings one and all! We will be hosting a faux Sunday dinner tomorrow (today) January 20th, 2008. So please come hang out and meet Mr. Heaney, Christopher's father. Mr. Heaney happens to be in town from Florida, and will be joining us for food, conversation, drinking, maybe movies, and just general hanging out. If this sounds weird to anyone please check with either Mr. Gonzales or Mr. Davidson who can both attest to his coolness (I hope anyway).
The reason it we are calling is a faux dinner is because we had a real one Wednesday to celebrate the permanent return of Christopher.We will not be doing anything fancy, perhaps just some filling delicious pasta dish (sans tomato sauce) that while quite tasty is perhaps not up to the norms presented by the regular dinner gatherings.
So please, come hang out, potentially watch stupid movies, share your Sunday evening with lovely, fabulous people, and catch buzz. Bring booze and nibbles and arrive after 7. Laters!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

From Tim

I am thinking Dinner, this Sunday, at my friends house who I am dog sitting for, 317 N Mayfield. They have THREE (3) grills in which to smoke, grill, barbeque, and otherwise cook over fire methods of preparing meat. I was thinking of purchasing hard wood charcole and fruit wood for smoking, cooking some sides and a dessert maybe, and then everyone else, that is you all hungry vultures, could bring sausages, lamb chops, steaks, beer can chicken or something to potluck the meat and we can all grill together. Show up when ever expect to eat around seven or so, so if you bring something that take two hours to smoke show up before five, or if it takes twenty minuets to grill show up at six thirty in the pm (1830 hours for the military minded people). What do you think?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Livejournal Users!

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Hokay, Gil and I are hosting. Come around 7ish. Please bring booze and appetizers, sides or desert if you feel so inclined. Comment here with your headcount and if you're bringing anything, thanks!